SAFETY Part 5 of 5 – Implementing Your Own Safety Program

Posted by Contributing Editor on Tue, Aug 06, 2013

Not to over simplify and regardless of the size of a Company, there are several attributes we have observed for all companies who have implemented successful Safety Programs:

  1. Detailed definition of the concern or issue they are trying to address, resolve;
  2. An inside “Champion(s)” to lead and manage the change
  3. Engage Employees, Involve, communicate, educate, manage and train impacted employees;
  4. An Action Plan and Timeline of how they plan to address/resolve the concern or issue;
  5. An Ongoing Senior Level Commitment from the company in terms of people, process, procedure and financial resources required to affect the change and
  6. A clear and Defined way to Monitor, Measure and Report on the Program Results!
  • The Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) in Canada produced a detailed template for companies implementing Safety Programs titled: “Business Results Though Health & Safety”. Regardless of where your business is located, this comprehensive template is a valuable tool for any safety conscious champion in creating their own successful Program for their organization!

 WSIB busresultsthrough H&S Page 001


We would be interested in your feedback, your experiences and any other similar documents you could share about best practices when implementing a successful Safety Program.

 LPM-PA049652 PowerMate Blog CTA 2013/07/12

Remember to come back often to learn more about safety and PowerMate® and keep current on all the latest PowerMate®  news and developments!

Tags: powered dolly, ergonomic strategy, hand truck, powermate, safety moving system, safety moving systems