Not to over simplify and regardless of the size of a Company, there are several attributes we have observed for all companies who have implemented successful Safety Programs:
- Detailed definition of the concern or issue they are trying to address, resolve;
- An inside “Champion(s)” to lead and manage the change
- Engage Employees, Involve, communicate, educate, manage and train impacted employees;
- An Action Plan and Timeline of how they plan to address/resolve the concern or issue;
- An Ongoing Senior Level Commitment from the company in terms of people, process, procedure and financial resources required to affect the change and
- A clear and Defined way to Monitor, Measure and Report on the Program Results!
- The Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) in Canada produced a detailed template for companies implementing Safety Programs titled: “Business Results Though Health & Safety”. Regardless of where your business is located, this comprehensive template is a valuable tool for any safety conscious champion in creating their own successful Program for their organization!
We would be interested in your feedback, your experiences and any other similar documents you could share about best practices when implementing a successful Safety Program. Remember to come back often to learn more about safety and PowerMate® and keep current on all the latest PowerMate® news and developments!