This week, L P International Inc., the manfacturer of the PowerMate® brand of motorized stair climbing hand trucks and LiftGates, launched a NEW mobile website designed to further ennhance our customers' web browsing experience.
In a global marketplace, the use of smart phones and other mobile devices continue to grow. PowerMate® is there to provide you with just another option to make accessing the information you need as quickly as possible with the least amount of frustration.
All around the world, the trend is continuing to grow of people using smart phones and other handheld communication devices to do business. The time was right to introduce the new PowerMate® mobile website.
We saw this addition as a necessity, taking into consideration that our visitors' time is extremely valuable. We recognize that even between the standard business hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm EST, many of our customers are out of the office, traveling, or just taking care of business!
The reality is our visitors are in many different time zones all around the world. Dealing with the various time zones, comes with its unique set of challenges. The new mobile site provides a simple, efficient means to make a PowerMate® inquiry and access PowerMate® information 24 hours a day - 7 days a week!
Another huge addition bonus of the new mobile site is it gives all our visitors the option of over 40 different languages, with support for over 12 000 different devices, to view their PowerMate® information! Again, the intent is to make all your visits easy, efficient, and as productive as possible!
The newly designed website is based on a responsive framework which allows easy viewing no matter the device.The new mobile website will automatically recognize the hardware you are using to access the PowerMate® website and display the information in the appropriate (best) formate. As always, you will have the option to access the main
at any point you choose.