PowerMate® – TÜRKİYE (Mayıs 2014 itibarıyle iş ortağıdır)

PowerMate®’in üreticisi L P International, bugün PowerMate® Türkiye’yi, İstanbul’da yerleşik Çanaklı ailesinin işbirliğiyle, kurduğunu ilan etmekten mutluluk duymaktadır.
Türkiye’deki iş, ağabeyi Dr. Fatih Çanaklı’ya göre “çok çalışkan, ileri görüşlü bir işadamı ve usta bir çilingir olan” Bedri Cengiz Çanaklı tarafından kurulmuştur. Türk müşterilerine, geniş bir yelpazedeki kaldırma (lift) gereksinimlerinde ve birçok farklı uygulamada PowerMate®’ in sunduğu faydaları anladılar.
Çanaklı ailesi kilit ve kasa işinde uzun yıllar yorulmaksızın çalışarak, İstanbul’da oldukça ünlü bir güvenlik firması olan ACR Kilitleme Sistemleri’ni kurdular. Büyük kasaları, çelik dolap ve kapıları taşımak bir dizi zorluk oluşturmaktaydı ve Türkiye’deki merdivenler muhtemelen dünyadaki hiçbir merdivene benzemiyor! (Aşağıdaki resme bakınız. Kamondo merdiveni, Galata, İstanbul)
Bay Çanaklı’ya gore Türkiye’de karşılaştıkları en büyük sorun değişim. Hamallar veya Hammallar, (taşıyıcı anlamına gelen Arapça kökenli bir Türkçe kelimedir) yüzyıllardır ürünlerin geleneksel taşınma yolu oldular (üst soldaki resme bakınız). PowerMate®’in sağladığı yenilikçi yolun karşısında, hamalların veya insan gücünün gelenekten beslenen alışılmışlığı durmaktadır.
L P International Inc.’ in kökleri bir aile şirketine dayanmaktadır ve PowerMate® markasını Türkiye’ye getirmede Çanaklı ailesi ve ekipleriyle birlikte çalışmak için sabırsızlanıyoruz!. CE belgelendirmesine sahip yeni ve daha iyi bir teknolojiyi Türk pazarına sunmaktaki tutku, merak ve adanmışlıklarını paylaşıyoruz.
PowerMate® Türkiye, PowerMate® ailesine hoşgeldiniz!
Paul Gazik İş Geliştirme,
PowerMate® – L P International Inc.
Tel: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103 e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info URL: www.powermate.info
Mr. Bedri Cengiz Çanakli İş sahibi,
PowerMate® Türkiye
Tel: +00 90 216 680 01 01 e-mail: info@acrkilitleme.com URL: www.acrkilitleme.com, www.kasa.com.tr

L P International Inc. hakkında:
L P International Inc. PowerMate® markası adı altında merdiven çıkan el arabaları, araçlar için bagaj kapağı liftleri (LiftGates), ve değer katılmış aksesuarlar içeren, istek halinde CE standartlarında ürünler üretmektedir. L P International Inc. 1976 yılından beri aynı sahiplerin yönetiminde, binlerce PowerMate® Güvenli Taşıma Sistemleri üretmiş ve dünya çapında satmıştır. Şirket merkezi Brantford, Ontario, Kanada’dadır. En üst düzey kalitede ürünler sağlamasının yanı sıra, üstün operator eğitimleri ve müşteri hizmetleri nedeniyle mükemmel bir üne sahiptir. Daha detaylı bilgi için lütfen linki tıklayınız: www.powermate.info
merdiven çikan,
merdiven arabası
Mr. Frederik Verhoye

Avero Handling is de specialist in elektrische trappenklimmers, materiaalliften, laadliften en intern transportmateriaal.
Bij het leveren van goederen wordt men vaak geconfronteerd met het verplaatsen van zware goederen over trappen. Met een "gewone" steekwagen wordt de rug al te vaak, te zwaar belast. Om hiervoor een oplossing te bieden zijn wij in 1998 van start gegaan met de verdeling van de PowerMate elektrische trappenklimmers: veilig, ergonomisch en snel!
Reeds een jaar later, in 2000, zijn wij ook ons ook gaan toeleggen op de verdeling van andere ergonomische hulpmiddelen voor het verplaatsen van zware en volumineuze goederen zoals materiaalliften, montageliften en laadliften voor bestel- of vrachtwagen.
Avero Handing deelt de PowerMate filosofie om een veilige werkomgeving te creëren voor mensen die geconfronteerd worden met zware en moeilijk te verplaatsen lasten op de werkplek. Dankzij de investering in de PowerMate zijn de bedrijven sterker geworden en maken ze meer winst aangezien ze dezelfde taken veiliger en met minder personeel kunnen uitvoeren.
Daar waar de meeste PowerMate partners alle producten aanbieden hebben Mr. Verhoye en het Avero Handling team zich toegelegd op de PowerMate LE 1 en de PowerMate LG laadliften. Door de jaren heen hebben ze dit product op de kaart gezet in België en is PowerMate een begrip geworden onder de professionals.
Paul Gazik Business Development,
PowerMate® – L P International Inc.
Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103 e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info URL: www.PowerMate.info
Mr. Frederik Verhoye Commercieel Afgevaardigde,
Avéro Handling
Tel: +32 (0)51 48 02 05 e-mail: Info@averohandling.be URL: www.averohandling.be

About L P International Inc. :
L P International inc. is de fabrikant van de PowerMate® trappenklimmers, laadliften en accessoires. Al deze producten zijn ontworpen volgens CE normen. L P International inc. is opgericht jn 1976 en wordt nog altijd geleid door dezelfde familie. De hoofdzetel bevindt zich in Brantford, Ontario, Canada In al deze jaren hebben ze duizenden PowerMate® producten verkocht wereldwijd en een schitterende reputatie opgebouwd inzake kwaliteit, opleidingen en service. Voor meer informatie surf naar: www.powermate.info
Elektrische steekkar,
electric trolley,
stair runners,
Gemotoriseerde steekkarren,
Motorized trolley,
chariot pour descendre des charges dans escalier,
Cart to lower loads in staircase,
chariot monte escalier electrique,
stairlift electric trolley,
Chariot électrique,
electric cart,
Monte-matériaux d'escalier,
stair hoist,
Chariot ascenseur d'escalier,
stair lift truck,
Appareil élévateur d'escalier,
stair lift,
Chariot motorise,
motorized cart,
Power mate,
LG laadliften,
tail gate lifts,
safety lifting solutions
Mr. Allan Harris

"Aligning you with high quality products and exceptional service!"
Align Office Systems is a Barbadian family owned company, offering a comprehensive range of office furniture and safes (Chubbsafes). They supply, deliver, and install to each unique requirement, tailoring to suit individual objectives and budgets. With specialized knowledge and a commitment to service, we provide professional advice, presenting office solutions that are superior in quality and design.
Align Office Systems is a great example of a PowerMate® Partner that leads by example by using the PowerMate® M-2B for delivery of safes and office equipment. Dealers who use the PowerMate® equipment themselves tell us this is one of the most effective means of generating interest, leads, and more sales. What better testimonial can you give a piece of equipment than to be using it yourself?
With Mr. Harris' dedication to providing customers with superior solutions and his excellent reputation on the island, we are confident that he will be very successful in helping to bring the PowerMate® brand to the Barbados!
Interested in learning just a few of the details that make a PowerMate® Motorized Stair Climbing Hand Truck superior to the conventional hand truck you are using today? We invite you to review the following blog post: Powered Stair Climbers Vs. Conventional Hand Trucks
Paul Gazik Business Development,
PowerMate® - L P International Inc. Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103 E-mail: pfg@powermate.info URL: www.powermate.info
Mr. Allan Harris Managing Director,
Align Office Systems Inc. Ph: 246-427-9706 E-mail: align@caribsurf.com URL: http://sba.bb/website/aligniffice/?page_id=84

About L P International Inc.:
L P International Inc. manufactures the PowerMate® brand of stair climbing hand trucks, tail gate lifts (LiftGates), and value added accessories including: product built to CE standards, we requested. L P International Inc. has been in business funder the same ownership since 1976, manufacturing and selling thousands of PowerMate® Safety Moving Systems worldwide. The company is headquartered in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. It has achieved an excellent reputation for supplying the highest quality products as well as providing superior operator training and customer service. For more information please visit: www.powermate.info
PowerMate M2B,
stair climbing hand trucks,
safety moving systems,
motorized stair climbers,
tailgate lift,
moving safes,
motorized hand trucks,
stair climber

Stanley Handling is our first, most successful, and longest standing International Partner going back to 1988! Mr. Robert Stanley and his team have literally sold thousands of PowerMate® machines throughout the U.K.! The Teams dedication, commitment, and belief in the PowerMate® Brand has always remained a constant!
Established in 1948, Stanley is one of the UK's leading independent materials handling specialists.
Stanley offers a wide range of products to suit many applications and budgets including: the ROBUR range of standard, specialist and bespoke pedestrian trucks, Tool Handlers, Die Handlers, Inspection Mould Handling Machines, Plane Handlers, Tugs, Paper Reel Handlers and Carpet Reel Handlers. They also supply the complete PowerMate® powered stair climber range and a 500-page mail order catalogue.
Their strong technical expertise is supported by an extensive service department with full workshop facilities for maintenance and overhauls combined with a dedicated training school offering a variety of health & safety and handling & FT courses. Stanley Handling is the place to go for quality sales, service and training - all completed by experienced PowerMate® authorized personnel!

lifting dolly,
powered dolly,
electric dolly,
powered hand truck,
moving equipment,
stair climbing hand trucks,
safety moving systems,
motorized stair climbers,
stair walker hand trucks,
appliance dolly,
heavy duty stair climber,
stair climbing hand cart,
electric hand truck,
stair dolly,
powered stair climber,
electronic step climber,
stair crawler,
tail gate lift.,
tailgate lift,
Stanley Handling,
United Kingdom,
motorized stair climbing trolley
This week, L P International Inc., the manfacturer of the PowerMate® brand of motorized stair climbing hand trucks and LiftGates, launched a NEW mobile website designed to further ennhance our customers' web browsing experience.
In a global marketplace, the use of smart phones and other mobile devices continue to grow. PowerMate® is there to provide you with just another option to make accessing the information you need as quickly as possible with the least amount of frustration.
All around the world, the trend is continuing to grow of people using smart phones and other handheld communication devices to do business. The time was right to introduce the new PowerMate® mobile website.
We saw this addition as a necessity, taking into consideration that our visitors' time is extremely valuable. We recognize that even between the standard business hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm EST, many of our customers are out of the office, traveling, or just taking care of business!
The reality is our visitors are in many different time zones all around the world. Dealing with the various time zones, comes with its unique set of challenges. The new mobile site provides a simple, efficient means to make a PowerMate® inquiry and access PowerMate® information 24 hours a day - 7 days a week!
Another huge addition bonus of the new mobile site is it gives all our visitors the option of over 40 different languages, with support for over 12 000 different devices, to view their PowerMate® information! Again, the intent is to make all your visits easy, efficient, and as productive as possible!
The newly designed website is based on a responsive framework which allows easy viewing no matter the device.The new mobile website will automatically recognize the hardware you are using to access the PowerMate® website and display the information in the appropriate (best) formate. As always, you will have the option to access the main
at any point you choose.

mobile site
L P International Inc. is pleased to announce BTO Engineering Ltd. as its latest PowerMate® distributor in the country of Israel. BTO Engineering Ltd will be providing the Country of Israel with PowerMate® safety lifting solutions.
Mr. Eyal Regev: “I am confident the PowerMate® product line-up fits very well with my passion for selling products which create high value and enhance customer's performance and productivity”.
Mr. Regev went on to explain: “We want to start working to gain some initial orders from potential customers in preferred trades so we can have some local references and showcases (in our culture this is a very important dimension in the buying decision process people feel more comfortable to ask existing local users about their experiences- especially in case of unique innovative products like PowerMate®)”.
It is our goal through working closely together with Mr. Regev and his team in providing the Israeli marketplace with complete solutions to their safety lifting needs with the full line of PowerMate® Motorized Stair Climbing Hand Trucks and tail gate lifts – “LiftGates”. I know that working together we both stand to learn a great deal from each other!
We are look forward to building a mutually beneficial business relationship for many years to come.
Welcome to the PowerMate® family PowerMate® Israel!
Paul Gazik
Business Development, PowerMate® – L P International Inc. Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103 e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info URL: www.powermate.info
Mr. Eyal Regev
Partner, BTO Engineering Ltd. – PowerMate® Israel Ph: 011972-3-9024026 e-mail: regev@bto-eng.co.il URL: www.bto-eng.co.il/
L P International Inc. manufactures a comprehensive line of stair climbing hand trucks, tail gate lifts and value-added accessories; offering product built to the more rigorous CE Standards, where required. L P International Inc. has been in business under the same ownership since 1976, manufacturing and selling thousands of PowerMate® Safety Moving Systems worldwide. The company is headquarted in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. It has achieved an excellent reputation for supplying the highest quality products as well as providing superior operator training and customer service. For more information please visit: www.powermate.info
safety moving system,
powered lifting equipment
Today, L P International Inc. is pleased to announce that Art of Fire GmbH as its latest PowerMate® distributor in the country of Switzerland. Art of Fire GmbH dba “Lift Up” Stairclimbing Technology, will be providing the Country of Switzerland with PowerMate® safety lifting solutions that meet CE Specifications!
Having used the PowerMate® Model LE-1 for a number of years for his hearth business Mr. Bucher and his team understand the product and the value it has to offer first hand! We are excited to learn Mr. Bucher has plans to expand his new venture beyond the hearth industry and invites the Swiss business community to check in for updates, as the new distributorship evolves over the coming months.
It is our goal through working closely together with Lift Up and their team in providing the Swiss marketplace with complete solutions to their safety lifting needs with the full line of PowerMate® Motorized Stair Climbing Hand Trucks and tail gate lifts – “LiftGates”.
We are look forward to building a mutually beneficial business relationship for many years to come.
Welcome to the PowerMate® family Lift Up!
Paul Gazik
Business Development, PowerMate® – L P International Inc. Ph: 1-519-759-3292 ext. 103 e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info URL: www.powermate.info
Mr. Stefan Bucher
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director, Lift Up / Art of Fire GmbH Telefon: + 41 (0)71 461 12 60 e-mail: info@artoffire.ch URL: www.artoffire.ch
About L P International Inc.:
L P International Inc. manufactures a comprehensive line of stair climbing hand trucks, tail gate lifts and value-added accessories; offering product built to the more rigorous CE Standards, where required. L P International Inc. has been in business under the same ownership since 1976, manufacturing and selling thousands of PowerMate® Safety Moving Systems worldwide. The company is headquarted in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. It has achieved an excellent reputation for supplying the highest quality products as well as providing superior operator training and customer service. For more information please visit: www.powermate.info
lifting dolly,
moving equipment,
PowerMate LE1,
stair climbing hand trucks,
L P International Inc.,
International Distributor,
CE Specifications,
Art of Fire
PowerMate® Holiday Greetings & Hours of Operation
We would like to thank all our customers for another wonderful year and take a moment to wish everyone a Safe and Magical Holiday Season from our family to yours!
During the holiday season, Sales and Service personal will still be available to help you with youre PowerMate® orders and inquires.
L P International Inc.,
happy holidays,
seasons greetings,
L P International Inc., the manufacturer of PowerMate®, is looking for the right companies to partner with in the sales, operator training and servicing of the PowerMate® line of motorized stair climbing hand trucks and tail gate lifting systems!
The PowerMate® line of stair climbing equipment meets the CE standards including the required protective guarding. As of today, CE Countries available include: Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey, to name a few.
L P International Inc., has been highly successful in its over 35 years of business and is working together with larger national, mid-sized and small companies in establishing successful Distributorships for PowerMate®.
Successful PowerMate® Distributors typically can answer “yes” to the following questions:
Contact us today to learn more about becoming a distributor or dealer for the PowerMate® product line up. Contact Paul TODAY to schedule a teleconference to learn more. Countries and Territories are going fast so don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow your business!
Paul Gazik
Business Development,
PowerMate® – L P International Inc.
Ph: 519-759-3292 ext. 103
Fax: 519-759-3298
e-mail: pfg@PowerMate.info

safety moving system,